Friday, July 30, 2010

To Getting Dirty

"Excuse me Miss, I've finished putting in those perennials. Do you have a shower I could use?"

"Why yes, yes I do. And here let me get your back."

Sean Bean as Misha requested.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To Comeback

I almost missed a day here. I'm glad I checked.

Anyway I was watching TV and there was a corny movie on with Tim Allen and Robert Downey Jr. Downey did a great job of course; able to be funny and make it look easy.

He definitely has a charm and a sense of humor that will not go away no matter what life puts him through and no matter what he puts himself through.

Ass Kicker + Sarcastic SOB = Iron Man

Monday, July 26, 2010

To The Pool

Ahhh! Yes the shirt come off and we're headed the pool.

You need to trust me more.

Damn me, besides stealing glances at his chest, all I want to do is play water volleyball.

Friday, July 23, 2010

To The Highlands

Not shirtless, I know, but it's following the white shirt theme from Wednesday. And it is sexy. Don't worry this is the only other white shirt pic that I have. We will return to full shirtlessness Monday.

Be happy I'm sparing you from the Romanesque Chest Plate Armor theme. (Another thing that I don't know why I like; I just do.)

Although this wet theme has great potential.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To Being Dirty In A Clean Shirt

He may have a shirt on but his facial expression says it's not going to be on for long.

Besides, is it just me or does the white dress shirt add a bit of sexiness? I like the whole pic; the shirt, the abs, the man cleav, the clean jeans, the hint of undies, the pool in the back ground...everything. The photo has great composition all around.


I'm saying this is one you can frame and put on your desk or enlarge it and hang it above your couch (or bed).

You didn't read a single word I said, did you?

Monday, July 19, 2010

To Crop Or Not To Crop

Is it nobler to show the whole picture and suffer the slings and arrows of content warnings or is it nobler to show simply what is asked, no more, and keep the IT Department from blocking your midday pick-me-up?

Well, clearly it's the second. Pushing the boundaries of what is considered decent is not the idea behind this blog but to simply say "look how pretty".

Look how pretty!

I could say something about "accidentally" walking into the men's locker room and drooling from behind a row of lockers but I don't need to; I only need to stare at this picture and imagine soaping up his chest for a needless about of time.

Friday, July 16, 2010

One for the Drama Fans

This man needs to be shirtless more often; the only clear view of Eddie's bare chest that I could find is in this bloody attack scene from Law and Order: SVU ep Folly.

He still looks good; however, that goes with the episode. He's a male escort who is the latest one to be beaten by an unknown someone while on a "date". Don't worry his character lives.

Come on now. He's just trying to spread the love. Why you gotta be like that?

This, however, is a death scene from Dawson's Creek (People died on Dawson's Creek? I didn't know the Creek was so dangerous.)

And I know, he's wearing a shirt. "So why post it?" Because the moment I saw it I thought, Damn he looks good flat on his back! *naughty giggle*

The naughty giggle deserves to be respected, damn it. ; )

Don't worry I will not give up on finding more shirtless Eddie pics.

This marks the end of the "One" series and the beginning of the "To" series. (See what I did there...To instead of Two...get it....To...nevermind.) No real difference, I just got tired of "One" titles.

Thank you to and Behind Blue Eyes at

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One for Group Bathing

I've said it before; Bath time is the Best time!

Evil likes to be well groomed, so Darken Rahl tries to take a calm bath while planning world domination. A stupid little witch interrupts him though; totally uncouth.

Look at that water. Now admit it you wanta jump in there with him.

Ohh, the fun I would have.

For some reason I wanted him to dunk his whole head in the water, I really don't know why.

Once again, thank you Hulu for all that you dolu. (sorry had to say it)

Monday, July 12, 2010

One for Spam

I, for some reason, get email newsletters from the BBC America Shop. It's possible I signed up for it, I don't know, but I received an email with this banner ad at the bottom.

Holy Crap! That guy...that guy in the middle, who the hell is that? And what does he look like with his shirt off, and just as important, has he ever taken it off in front of the camera?

The answers; Aidan Turner, damn good, and oh yeah!

The damned British seem to have been trying to keep this beautiful man to themselves. Doing a simple search gave me little, not even a fan page. BUT a blessed IMDb message-boarder posted the picture above. (Above, because I didn't want to frustrate you and continue to talk and talk before showing the picture.)

One of the rare times where the head shot is hotter than the shirtless pic...well almost. He's got the intensity thing going; that's because (are you paying attention Misha) he plays a vampire in the BBC show Being Human.

The shirtless pic is from another BBC show Desperate Romantics. I'm going to do my best to get my hands on both shows.

Thank you so much IMDb message-boarder pas_si_simple and BBC America.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Update: It has been decided that posts will accure three times a week now on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 7/16/2010

Now that I have a good base of postings, I will only post anew every Monday and Wednesday. Selected to help you get through the toughest days of the work week. (Unless a supplemental post is needed.)

You can voice your opinion. Should I also post on Fridays? Go to the poll in the left sidebar and then, if you wish, you can elaborate in this posts comments area.

As a consolation here are the two best Doctors order...starting with the best. ; )

Actually looking at the Eccleston pic, he's intensity is kinda hot.

Thank you and

Friday, July 9, 2010

Wish List

I would like anyone who has seen shirtlessness from these men to post a comment telling me where.

Also, if you would like to put in a request or share your wish list, please do so in the comments of this post (and only this post so I can keep track). Thank you.

1) Oliver Hudson -star of Rules Of Engagement (Seems to be a bit shy.)
2) Eddie Cahill - star of CSI: NY (There will be a new post soon but I couldn't find more.)
3) any Polynesian male - actor, model, dancer, etc. Someone who's name is famous or will be famous. (The Rock started a craving in me. ; )
4) Aidan Turner -star of Being Human (I need more.)

This post will be updated as needed.

One for the Rubber Ducky

Bath time is the best time.

A beautiful bathroom, candles, a naked well-built man, a docked iPod, and a strategically placed hand make this pic a must post.

And the mind begins the first of a dozen fantasies.

Alternating between fantasies of bathtub love and bathroom make-over, actually.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

One for Fairness

By request, a shirtless second best Doctor ever, Christopher Eccleston.

In all fairness Eccleston is a really close second- and Misha's number one- best Doctor and all other Whos eat Chris and David's dust.

It's a touching little scene from The Invisible Circus (never seen it). I can just imagine post afternoon-delight, talking a bit before going back to work. TMI? Ha! Sorry.

Again, I ask you to ignore the chick in the pic (although, frankly she's prettier than SJP).

And since you can't see his face very well in the shirtless pic, here is a big ol'Chris Eccleston smile. Can't help but smile back, can ya?

Thank you to and

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One from the Files

Holy crap! I found this in my Windows Photo Gallery while trying to find something to use as a profile pic.

It's not the best pic of the best Doctor ever but he's shirtless so it qualifies.

I have no idea what this is from, but it's David Tennant in pajamas on a bed, so begin!

Dear Time Lord looks pretty good without a shirt, actually.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One for the Dark Side

Behold the great Lord Darken Rahl.

It was the show Legend of The Seeker that introduced me to Craig Parker (most know him from The Lord of The Rings) and I will be eternally grateful.

I learned how to do screen shots just for this LoTS Episode, Tears, thanks to this scene. I ended up with seven shots and could have done more; I have no idea why. *clears throat* Anyway he's about to say something in the shot so the full beauty of his face is not clear but that's OK, not really looking at his face. ; )

Damn it, why does the water have to be so reflective!

Thank you Hulu for all that you do.

One for Us Both

I came across this picture on (I could spend all day wandering around the Cheezbuger Network). I had no idea who he is but strongly felt he should never put on a shirt.

I have since learned that his name is Alexander Skarsgard and plays a vampire on True Blood, which is no wonder why Misha requested a post of him.

Showing the pretty boys how to do chest hair.

Monday, July 5, 2010

One for the Funny

Last night I watched Family Guy, as usual, but somehow during this off season I caught an episode that I hadn't seen before. One of the best parts of this ep was the cameo by "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson. His little thirteen second clip totally elevated my opinion of him which was pretty good to begin with (regardless of the Tooth Fairy). Watch the clip and enjoy the funny, then see the pic and enjoy the shirtlessness.

Nice ink, well placed. ; )

Sunday, July 4, 2010

One for Misha

We'll start at the beginning; with Eddie Cahill.

Watching CSI: NY at my sister's house is where I first heard her yell "Take your shirt off!" So here you go. Just ignore Carrie Bradshaw.

A screen shot from Sex and the City ep Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl...

Thank you to